Romance in Croatia

25 Jun

Hi Boys and Girls,
Unfortunately my time is limited this week due to some vacation days so I must make this recap brief. Do forgive me.

We arrive in Croatia – which – who knew Croatia was a romantic place? I mean do you feel how Croatia sounds in your mouth? not very delicious. But guess we will keep an open mind.

One on One – Travis. Let’s look for love beyond the walls.
Emily and Travis wander the streets of Croatia as Emily again expounds upon things she knows nothing about.
They buy they eat they dance.
Emily sends Travis home due to a lack of “sparkle.”
Travis walks home as rainy tears of heartbreak fall on his head and down his cheeks.

Group Date Lasting Love Requires Bravery
John, Doug, Jef, Chris, Sean, Arie
The date starts with a private screening of the new Disney movie “Brave”
Can we guess what these guys are going to be doing today?
If you guessed prancing around in kilts tosing sticks and arrows you are correct! Welcome ladies and gents to the Highland games.

This may be my favorite date yet. Nothing sexier than a man in a kilt waltzing into battle.
Mmmm. Not kidding.
Lets pause, rewind, and re-watch these sexy biceps arrive!
They shoot some arrows, throw some logs, and play tug of warish.
Chris sucks. Sean does not. I guess we have answered the age old question – size does apparently matter.
But not to Emily – Chris gets the date rose for being the BRAVEST of them all.
Chris may have gotten the rose but Arie gets the sexiest “pushed against the wall” kiss we have seen this season. Try harder boys, it is going to take a while for Emily’s vaja to forget those butterflies. He definitely gets an extra point for this kiss.

First Second One on One Date goes to Ryan. She just couldn’t stay away from those Facial hair fangs. Do you think he paid someone to do that to his face? He should get his money back.
Ryan says some ridiculous things everyone laughs
He says some dense things Emily giggles
He says some douche things . Emily gags. Okay to be fair she gags because she tried to eat an oyster. I gag too.
He makes the mistake of writing down some of these obtuse things and Emily sends him home, not without a lack of attempted manipulation on Ryan’s part might I add. Gosh I am sure going to miss him. There were some pretty sweet quotes in here that I don’t have the capacity to list out at this time. I would suggest finding a transcript and pocketing a few of those gems for later.

Arie sneaks over to Em’s for some late night canoodling.

Roses for erbody
John and Doug are on the chopping block heading into tonight’s rose ceremony.
But John has been hiding an ace card in his wallet this whole time- the Virgin Mary.
Well the Virgin Mary on funeral cards for his grand parents. He gets a rose from Emily for opening up and an extra point from me for using the Virgin Mary to stay in the game on a reality tv dating show.

Doug is super awkward and loses a point because I hate awkward moments. then he cries. he loses two points. Lets stop pumping those biceps and focus on exercising that ego a few times a week can we?
But, he is still number one dad and he still gets a rose.

Everyone else is clearly still in the game, because Emily actually has feelings for them – everybody gets a rose.
Our top three contestants remain the same. But Amy is hot on their tails!

Next week we travel to one of my favorite cities – PRAGUE.
Guys – you better not F this one up. Too bad it looks like you do.


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